List of recent projects
Computational epidemiology
- Multi-source and multi-method prediction to support COVID-19 policy decision making (PredCov), which is funded by European REACT-EU funds. 2020-2022. Budget 2.1M€ (project coordination).
- Medium and Long-term Simulation of COVID-19 funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. 2020-2021 (project coordination).
- Development of a tool for prediction of epidemiological scenarios and vaccination against COVID-19, funded by the Ministry of Health and Innovation. 2022 (project coordination).
High-performance computing
- Adaptive Multi-tier Intelligent Data Manager for Exascale (ADMIRE). Funded by European Union’s H2020. Budget 7.9M€. 2021-2024
- European Regimen Acceleration for Tuberculosis (ERA4TB). Funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Global Alliance for TB Drug Development non profit organisation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and University of Dundee. Budget 207.9M€. 2018-2024.
- New Methods in High-end and Edge Computing for Data Intensive Computing. Funded by Spanish Ministry of Education. 2020-2023.
- Exascale Programming Models for Extreme Data Processing (ASPIDE). Funded by European Union’s H2020. Budget 2.4M€. 2018-2021.
Access to HPC resources
- Fine-grained COVID-19 forecasting (I). 2023.
- Modelling COVID-19 propagation scenarios for health authority decision making (II). 2023.
- Modelling COVID-19 propagation scenarios for health authority decision making (I). 2022.
- Analysis tool for COVID-19 vaccination scenarios (II). 2022.
- Analysis tool for COVID-19 vaccination scenarios (I). 2022.
- Multi-source and multi-method prediction to support COVID-19 policy decision making. 2022.
- Evaluation of COVID19 mitigation and vaccination strategies (II). 2021.
- Evaluation of COVID19 mitigation and vaccination strategies (I). 2021.
- Simulating COVID-19 propagation at a European-level (II). 2021.
- Simulating COVID-19 propagation at a European-level (I). 2020.